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The Saga of the European King

Feb 1, 2021

The King has known and loved Axe Axewound for years, ever since they met on an adventure in Spain and deposed his evil brother. But actions have consequences and oaths aren’t just for declaring, and although there is never a good time to initiate a difficult conversation even the best of friends have to have them...

Oct 27, 2020

The King and his strike team take a break from the invasion to have a sauna, some fudge and a discussion about the inevitable fate of statism. They encounter a person from the King’s past and he has an anxiety attack while a dastardly plan that will change everything is revealed.


Written and edited by Tom McNally

Sep 16, 2020

The King’s invasion of Washington D.C. begins with a thousand sickly snaps as he uses all his strength and cunning to barrel through all resistance. Now that he has two gods, a saint and a gorilla on his side can anything stop him?



Written and edited by Tom McNally



Amy Sutton, Joshua Crisp, Tom...

Aug 3, 2020

The pilot episode of our new flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time.

This episode gives us 'Tooth' by Paul Fisher Davies, 'Ecstasy' by Claudia Treacher, 'Untitled' by Joshua Crisp, 'Capitalism' by Paul McNally and 'Amazon Cinematic...

Jul 29, 2020

You don’t just go and face the President of the United States of America without loading up on American-themed powers first. The King needs whatever treats Nanook the polar bear is handing out to help him in the revolution while his ex-wife assembles her own players to counter him.


Written and edited by Tom...